Beginner's Guide for IL2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover Blitz + FAQ (2025)

A Beginners Guide by Mysticpuma and ATAG_Lewis

The following is a Beginner's Guide to the newly released IL2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover Blitz. This post will be updated as and when necessary to make the experience for new and previous users as smooth as possible.

The latest update for IL2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover has gone live on Steam. Here is a comprehensive list to help new players get the best from this update should you choose to install it.

Please note that IL2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover is now listed as a completely new game in your Steam Library.

As of the 18th of December 2017 TFS are aware of a few users having issues with the Launcher Crashing or failing to run. Please see the Launcher Crash notes at the bottom of the page for more help with your problem.


Due to a new naming convention in the controls for the devices attached to your computer you will be required to remap all of your controls.

Please rename the following directory or remove it, to avoid conflicts as Blitz also uses the same folder for the new install and will create a new directory to replace this deleted one. The folder contains your custom mission, paintschemes, dashboard pictures and if you delete it you will not be able to recover them. Should you wish to save those files, simply rename the cliffs of dover folder.

- Look in your “MyDocuments” folder and re-name or delete your 1C SoftClub/il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover" to anything... maybe call it "Documents/1C SoftClub/il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover - 1"

Once done follow these instructions to install “IL2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover - Blitz”





Problems with Installation and Setup:

Please go to the bottom of this guide for help and advice, much of it gathered through the years of testing these patches.

Cliffs of Dover Introduction:

Still struggling with CLOD even after weeks. Overheating aircraft, losing the enemy in dogfights, crashing on landings and take-offs, not being able to locate enemies. Well for anyone new to CLOD there are a few tips and helps that will give you the basic knowledge to master this immersive flight sim sooner rather than later.

The beauty of IL-2 Cliffs of Dover is that it is the most comprehensive and realistic WWII combat flight sim there is at present and in being so has many different aspects to learn and master. In this tutorial WE have tried to bring the first and most important things to light for new fliers without being intimidating or daunting. This guide will cut hours out of your learning process and get you in the air fighting with the best very quickly.

Remember that vets are still learning too and that the learning process is also part of the fun of any game or sim.

The passages below are broken down into the main groups but not necessarily in an order of importance.

Recommended System Specs:

The current recommended system (as suggested by Team Fusion Simulations) which will run the game fine at normal resolutions (upto 1920x1080) on a single monitor.


OS: Windows 7

Processor: Intel Core I5 6500 or equivalent

Memory: 8 gb DDR3

Graphics Card: Direct X 11.0 compliant 4 gb

Direct X: DX11

Hard Drive: 10 gb

Sound: DX11 compatible

Peripherals: Joystick and keyboard


OS: Windows 10

Processor: Intel Core I7 6800k or equivalent

Memory: 16 gb DDR3

Graphics Card: Direct X 11.0 compliant 8 gb

Direct X: DX11

Hard Drive: 10 gb

Sound: DX11 compatible

Peripherals: Joystick with twist handle rudder or Joystick with rudder pedals

Unfortunately due to issues with the AMD graphics cards, some experience land texture tiles being visible so for CloD Team Fusion recommend Nvidia cards.

Joining an Online Server:

This can be tricky for first time players as it is not altogether intuitive. So first start your game then on the first Menu screen Hit:



Click on the desired server (for example): ATAG's Axis vs Allies

Join Server

Click on a Flag. This will put your flag of choice in a red box and also highlight all the available airstrips on the map. The available airstrips will now be white.

Click on a white airstrip. A default aircraft will now appear in the right side of the screen. This is the aircraft that you will spawn in if you hit 'Create'. In order to select a different aircraft you will need to hit 'Plane'. This brings up the 'Plane Options' page. Clicking the name of the aircraft at the top will bring up a window with the choice of aircraft at that particular airstrip. You can scroll down to the choices and hit the aircraft you would like to fly. (NOTE that airstrips may well have different aircraft choices so it is sometimes wise to try other airstrips before you finally make a selection.) Double clicking on the “your selected aircraft” in this window will select that aircraft and close the window. Now hit 'Ok' and on the 'Client Briefing' screen hit:


You should now be on an airstrip in an aircraft. To change the aircraft or modify load out, fuel / ammunition / convergence settings you need to hit 'Esc' to bring up the game menu and choose 'Plane' and then 'Loadout'. Hitting 'Ok' and then 'Fly' will bring you back to your aircraft on the airstrip. BEWARE - You can NOT do this if you are airborne.

Personalising Your Aircraft:

There are options in game for personalising your aircraft including fuel, gun convergences and ammunition types. For the purposes of simply getting a new pilot up and running I would advise only to adjust the fuel and leave the rest as default settings. 70% Fuel is a good start for most fighter aircraft as it gives enough for a lengthy sortie but low enough that it is not a hindrance to flight characteristics at the beginning of the flight and takeoff.

You can access the fuel option once you are in a server by hitting the 'Plane' tab on the 'CLIENT BRIEFING' screen and then 'Loadout' tab on the 'PLANE OPTION' screen. you can then slide the fuel slider to the desired amount and hit 'OK' and 'Fly' to bring you back into the game.

Dedicating Essential Keys:

To any player new to a full real dogfighting sim and server dedication of keys may seem a very daunting process. In Cliffs of Dover there are over 700 dedicated keys and axis. However of all the keys that are available for dedication only a few (around 36) are actually essential for competent game play. Knowing which ones these are and where they are will greatly reduce your time doing this sometimes laborious process and get you in the air flying a lot sooner. Remember dedicating keys is a personal choice too, as to where they go on your devices and keyboard is entirely up to you. Spend time flying and re-arranging your keys as you realise when and if you need them during flights and dogfighting, this is the only way to find out. Also as with any learning process the more you fly the more you will become accustomed to where the important keys are at hand until it becomes second nature.

Below are the essential keys for dedication in order as they are in the game 'Controls' list. This list does not include keys dedicated for bombers. It is an introductory list to ease new players into the game to get them in the air and therefore only the more common aircraft from both sides are chosen for initial key dedication, the Bf109 and Spitfire.

Please note that with the introduction of v4.50.0 TFS have now updated the way the devices are attached to your computer. This was as a result of player feedback indicating that sometimes Windows 10 would change the device order of its USB connected peripherals and lead to frustration as controls would need remapping.

Now Cliffs of Dover recognises the Windows ID of the peripheral and this will negate the issues with Windows 10 changing the device order.Due to this, you will need to remap your controls with the installation of Cliffs of Dover Blitz

Here’s an example:



Bail Out

Toggle Canopy (Spits and Hurris)

Jettison Canopy (Bf109)

Toggle Gunsight Illumination



Trim Elevator Nose-Up

Trim Elevator Nose-Down

Trim Rudder Right

Trim Rudder Left

Toggle Landing Flaps

Lower Landing Flaps Position (Bf109)

Raise Landing Flap Position (Bf109)

Toggle Undercarriage

Full Wheel Brakes

Fire Guns (Machine Guns + Cannon)

Toggle Selected Engine(s)

Close Radiator

Open Radiator

Close Oil Radiator (Bf109)

Open Oil Radiator (Bf109)

Boost Cut-Out (Spits and Hurris)

Decrease Propellor Pitch

Increase Propellor Pitch

Toggle Propellor Pitch Automation (Bf109-E4)

Fuel Cock #1 - Toggle


External View (For use on servers with external views)

Inside View(For use on servers with external views)

External Padlock - Enemy Aircraft (For use on servers with external views)

External Padlock - Friendly Aircraft (For use on servers with external views)

External View - Cycle Enemy Aircraft (For use on servers with external views)

External View - Cycle Friendly Aircraft (For use on servers with external views)

Lean to Gunsight (Zoom - Bf109)


Field Of View 30' (Zoom - Spit and Hurri)

Field Of View 90'

Pan Views and Snap Views (These are dictated by the Hat switch on your Joystick or TrackIR if you have it)


Toggle Net Stats(For Online Gaming)







Aircraft Control:

The knowledge of the specific aircraft you are going to fly will help you be able to start, get off the ground, fight and return to land in a full sortie over the combat area in CLOD. The knowledge you need for all aircraft can be found here:

Cliffs of Dover - Flight Manuals

There is a fully downloadable version here which is summarised into a chart for quick view whilst flying. It includes the Spitfire, Hurricane and Bf109 flight info:

Do not be frightened to study this information as it is short, concise and we have the advantage in the Battle of Britain theatre that there were very few models of aircraft involved. It may be good to print this information out so as it is close to hand whilst learning.

Bear in mind that it is also important to have some knowledge of your main adversaries’ aircraft. To know what your enemies weaknesses and advantages are will give you the insight as to whether to engage or run at the moment you have visual on them.

There are also many videos in YouTube designed to help new pilots and share information.

If you find reading a drag and not the ideal way for you to learn then TeamSpeak is a must for you.


The use of TeamSpeak for online gaming can in no way be overstated. It is the easiest and quickest way for knowledge from vets to new pilots to be transferred. Something explained on TS by a fellow flier in 30 seconds can take days or weeks of trolling and reading on your own so never under estimate the amount of info you will acquire using this free accessory. There will also inevitably be things that you are doing wrong that you were totally unaware of until someone points them out to you on TS and when that happens it feels like a revelation.

Most vets do not mind answering questions or even tutoring new enthusiastic players on flight sims so do not be shy to try it and ask questions. Even just listening will give you more relevant information to enhance your game play.

Also TeamSpeak is by far the best way to get information on the whereabouts of your foes. Remember that the main ATAG server is a full real server so there are no icons ingame or on the map to help you find the enemy. Flying around on a heavily populated server can still mean not seeing contacts for a long time if you don't know where to look and most players on Teamspeak will instantly give grid references and altitude information the moment they see contacts.

Here is the TeamSpeak link to your free download:

Once Teamspeak is installed on your PC you can connect to TeamSpeak servers by adding the server address and password (if prompted). Here are a few popular ones at the moment:

The Air Tactical Assault Group (ATAG):


Password: calais

Storm of War (SoW):


Password: stormofwar

Air Combat Group (ACG):


Finding the Enemy in a Full Real server:

Finding the enemy in a full real server is always a challenge. Here are a few tips to help you gather the information to enable you to find the enemy.

1) Briefing - Mission Briefing will give you an idea of where the targets are in the game. There are often enemy around these targets waiting specifically to intercept hostile aircraft there. There are two ways to view mission briefings. [a) Whilst in game you can hit 'Esc' and bring up the 'Client Briefing' menu page. In the top left you will see 2 options, 'Map' and 'Briefing'. Hit 'Briefing'. [b) Whilst in game hit 'Map' and then right click the map. Options will appear and if you check 'Briefing' at the bottom you will have the brief for that particular mission. Uncheck 'Briefing' to bring you back to the map.

2) Info - There is information that can be acquired in game whilst flying from 'Ground Control'. This will give you closest enemy contacts, fighters or bombers, heading, distance from you and how many there are 'gaggle' or 'lone aircraft'. You can acquire this information by hitting 'Tab' to bring up an options screen, then hitting '7.Ground Control' and then hitting '1. Request Targets'-.

Here's a quick tutorial on using the Spitfire and Hurricane compass to do this:


3) TeamSpeak - This is by far the best way to get enemy contacts information. See section 5) TeamSpeak

4) Vision and situation awareness - Given that if you have the same ability to spot the enemy as he has, if both of you are in the same area then it is a 50/50 who spots who first. This means that 50% of the time he will get on your 6 o’clock before you even know he is in your vicinity. Therefore it is highly important to check your own 6 on a regular basis. This skill will improve with time and experience.

Also keep lookout around your whole aircraft. As in real life, DO NOT fly straight and level for long periods without changing your direction to spot aircraft that may be stalking you.

5) Flak - For new players who are honing their skills it may be a good idea to stay on home turf. The advantage of this is that your allied Flak guns will often spot enemy aircraft and start throwing up black Flak in the area of the E/A. When an E/A is closer to the ground then home defences start to fire more accurate white flak. This is a clearer indication of where the E/A actually is.


Hardware you use for CLOD or any flight sim is one of the most important criteria for any competent player. Other than your actual PC which we can assume you have that plays CLOD your next important Ally is your joystick. There have been numerous pages of discussion on joysticks over the years and most opinions seem to stem from personal preferences rather than actual objective facts. However there are a few basic rules you can follow when picking your setup.

Input Devices:

a) Joysticks, Throttles and Pedals

When picking a joystick it is best to bear in mind what ideal setup you would like ie. with or without HOTAS (HOTAS - Hand On Throttle And Stick - in other words separate throttle and stick) or use of rudder pedals. The motives for choosing will rely on budget and space. Most vets in the flight sim genre tend to opt for the HOTAS setup as it gives a more immersive feel to your gaming experience and usually (depending on model) gives you more buttons (and sometimes sliders)to hand whilst being able to use the throttle. The alternative is no seperate throttle and a slider on the joystick which usually does not have many buttons in the local area for quick access. This can be a disadvantage when many buttons and sliders are needed quickly as in a dogfight, but not imperative. I know vets that don't use HOTAS and fly and combat very successfully.

Hat switches in the thumb area of a joystick are important if a player does not use a Head tracking Device (see c). If a head tracker is not used the hat switch on your joystick is essential for viewing your surroundings and locating enemy.

Most joysticks can be setup in a program outside of the sim either by the manufacturer of the product or by independent programs. This takes experience and for the most part is something that players do when they have mastered most other aspects of the game. For New flyers joystick sensitivity settings are best left in the default mode.

Bear in mind that some vets have likened flying with a new joystick 'like learning to fly again', so give your new joystick anything from a few hours to weeks to get used to.

Again when picking a joystick it is best to do your homework. Read reviews and talk to CLOD players on TS.

Popular joystick models (All have twist grip for rudder) :

Microsoft Sidewinder 2

Saitek X52 (HOTAS)

Logitech Extreme 3D

Here is a comprehensive PDF on joystick key setups and key allocation.

b) Rudder Pedals

Rudder pedals are another option that can be helpful. The alternative is either a twist grip on your joystick or a paddle (on the throttle of some early HOTAS systems). With the information gathered in this area it seems to be that there is little evidence that rudder pedals as oppose to twist joystick make a pilot better, however they undoubtedly make the flying experience more realistic.

c) Head Tracking Devices

Head tracking devices are input devices that track the movement of your head and then use a small program to adjust the in game view accordingly. They make flying in CLOD a more immersive feel however again they do not make a better pilot. Using the hat switch for your views in game will not be detrimental to your locating enemy and dogfighting if you are accustomed to using it.

TrackIR by NaturalPoint is a popular head tracking device which can be a little pricey especially considering that it is predominantly a game immersive device rather than a help. For those that have some basic knowledge of electronics and don't mind tinkering a head tracker can be made from budget parts together with a free program called 'Freeview'. Check Youtube for 'How to' on this option.


EDTracker by is a head tracking device which uses gyroscopic sensors, as commonly found in mobile phones and fitness devices, to measure the movement of your head in 3 degrees and represent that to your PC as a simple virtual joystick. EDTracker is a 3-DOF device which in using Opentrack configuration enables the user to get psuedo-6DOF for effective 'check 6' in game.


There is also a free program available that simply uses a webcams input to track your head. This is called 'FaceTrackNoir' and if not the best head tracking system will certainly give you an idea of what head tracking is about and whether or not it is for you.

Check YouTube videos of CLOD to see how head tracking devices look ingame.

Ingame Windows:

Setting up your own personal in game windows properly will help you be aware of any information as it happens. For this reason when setting them up a player needs the knowledge of what is important and what is irrelevant. There is a thorough tutorial here to help you learn how to setup your in game windows and a basic windows option to get you started without too much bother.


If any of you are or have been struggling to work out how to take to the air in your favourite ride, Chuck_Owl has produced an incredibly detailed guide for new and experienced players to read


Chuck has done this all in his own time but the result is an incredibly polished and professional guide that would have been worthy of being released as a manual when this sim came out.

To check it out and download (for free) either the entire guide or just the parts for your chosen ride, please visit:

Team Fusion Simulations also have their own Wiki page which can be found here:

Problems with Installation, Setup and Common Issues/FAQ:

Shortly after the release of IL2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover Blitz, a few users reported various crashes when trying to run the Launcher. Please try the following if your install fails to launch:

1) Unplug your USB steering wheel. No, we don't know why yet but for some reason there is a conflict caused by steering wheels of various brands that causes the launcher to crash. Once launched you can plug the steering wheel back in.

Currently TFS are looking for a solution to this

2) Disable your Anti Virus BEFORE downloading Blitz. A few users have explained that AVG (and other AV) have removed files before they have a chance to launch Blitz. Please disable your Anti Virus before downloading Blitz, launch Blitz, close blitz and then add an exception to the Anti Virus programme

3) Disable Steam Overlay or any other Overlay programme you may have running. To disable Steam Overlay, launch Steam, click "Settings" (top left of window), click "In-Game" and untick "Enable the Steam Overlay while in-game"

4) Make sure MSI Afterburner isn't running. again users have had Launcher crashes while running this in the background.

5) Crash errors and other errors are stored in the windows events database. You can look at them through the event viewer.

How to open:

Once open, select "application" on the left and look for errors on the right. Something like this:

The error shown below will have the information we need for diagnosis.

For initial diagnostics it is best to post the full crash error you see come up.

Some of these errors are easily linkable to a cause.

For example in the error you might see the following:

The "BadImageFormatException" is because something is running at 32 bits (either windows or an overlay running in the background).

The "PermissionDeniedException" is due to not having permissions to read or write some file. Most likely due to not running the game as an Admin, or previously having created the Documents folder as an Admin and not doing it for the 4.5 install.

6) We recommend those who are having problems to enable the logfile.

This is done in the conf.ini file in your Documents/1C SoftClub/il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover/ folder.















This keeps a record of the game operation in a file called: log.txt

When you have a problem, open the log file, look at what is there and post it in the technical assistance forum:

7) I have Windows 10. I can run the game great. However, whenever I get done with a mission or want to exit, when I hit the ESC key, I cannot any longer select menu items with the mouse. Help?

This is something that has affected me and a number of others. Try changing from 'Full Screen' to 'Pseudo' in the game Video Options.

7b) Changing to 'pseudo' in Video Options doesn't help

Just in case look at Controls > General if ESC is not assigned to "Exit the game" - usually Alt+F4 are mapped there.

And delete the assignment for "Exit the game" = Alt+X - no one is used to this key ("bug" from original MG key mapping)

7b) reply to the above: OK, problem solved. In 'controls general' the key "Exit the game" has to be deleted total, no "Alt+F4", no "Esc" ... nothing, just leave it blank.

8) When I launch my game in Windows 7 I get the following message "colour scheme has been changed to windows basic".

That was put in purpose to avoid some issues with file open/save dialogues.

9) I am experiencing a lot of warping and 'rubber-banding' while playing online, what's wrong?

Currently we are investigating this. As an interim 'solution' we recommend (while we are testing fixes) that servers should run a maximum limit of 60-players as this seems to be the sweet spot. It's not ideal and we are actively searching for a solution but for now 60 seems to keep the player experience viable.

I have found a bug that I cannot find listed, how can I report it and make TFS aware of it?

Please visit this link, sign up, then search for your issue. If it is not in our bugtracker please make a new report. The entire team are currently monitoring the tracker:

The following are older solutions:

Check the Launcher Compatibility in Steam:

Disable any Sweetfx or Injectfx you have running:

Remove dxg9.dll from your game folder

NVidia users, try playing with your NVidia driver settings:

Try disabling any Printers you might have installed

Update your Graphics Drivers, and try lowering your in-game Graphics settings:

Screen freezes, stuttering or lag. Please try the following:

Un-Synching Steam and lost Configs:

Issues with micro-stutters:

I have seen those lovely clouds in images posted on the forums, but how do I get them in my game?

To enable extended clouds distance, go into the video options, choose “Show Advanced” and tick the box for “Extended Clouds”

Okay, I've done that but my clouds look like they are cut in half or have 'flat tops', what did I do wrong?

You've done nothing wrong, it's the graphics settings in your game. Go into your Video Options and click on "Show Advanced". Then change the "Land Detail" option to "High".

The clouds are most likely going to cause a few frames-per-second loss, which is why it is recommended to turn them on only if you a reasonably powerful system. If you had your Land Detail set at anything less than "High", it's questionable whether you think it can run the detailed clouds option, but worth giving it a try?

I have started to get a beige rectangle in the upper left corner. Is this a bug, or did I unintentionally toggle some feature?

See the “Ingame Windows” section above

Hey, I've seen this new zoom view feature, but I don't know how to set up keys for it?

This feature has been added to the in-game options. Go to the main Menu, Click "Option", Click "Controls". At the top of that page is a drop-down menu, Click it and choose the "Camera Option" now you can assign a keyboard button to zoom in, and one to zoom out. The place to assign button is POV + (zoom in) and POV - (zoom out). Alternatively you can set up your joystick buttons for the zoom function if you wish to do so in this menu option.

The zoom speed can be changed by adding the following line to the 'conf.ini' file in the MyDocuments/1CSoftClub/il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover. Open the conf.ini file, look for the section that starts with:


RandSeed = 0





and at the end of that section add the following line:


Replace the x with a number between 1 and 10, 1= Slower zoom, 10=very fast zoom

I was looking in the confuser.ini and saw the line "UseOldHumans". What does that mean?

It reverts some of the uniforms to vanilla/stock Clod ie no parade uniforms in the bombers

One thing I cannot work out is taking off in the Campaign. When I spawn as #3 on the runway in my Hurricane, all is normal except when I advance the throttle my plane noses-over with the accompanying prop strike. I have tried setting chock removal, actuating brakes, all without success. Can anyone shed light on what I am missing to get the crate rolling?

Brakes are on by default in the hurricane for the campaign missions. You just need to press wheel brakes button once to clear it.

To brake only left or right wheel, press "Full Wheel Brake" key and push the rudder for this side.

In SP missions/campaigns since you spawn with engines on, brakes are on too. Same in multiplayer.

"Full Left Wheel Brake" and Full Right Wheel Brake" is for German planes. Italian planes also use "British" system.

Is there any chance of Occulus Rift Support?

Our tagline is "keeping the dream alive". Of-course we will look at new technology as it becomes available, but that is all we can say at the moment. Please remember this is all done on a voluntary basis as 'a hobby'. We don't have any big studio backing the development, it's just a group of chaps from around the world, sitting at their computers like you do, but working as a team to improve the experience of the Flight Sim enthusiasts who take the time to install the Cliffs of Dover software and then our patches. We would never exclude any option, it's just a case of priority and what will benefit the majority of users. Don't give up hope though, there is every possibility this will be added for v5.00.0, our first paid for add-on.

Not sure if it's just me but when I am flying and get attacked, I don't hear the enemy bullets striking my aircraft?

Currently we are investigating this. It appears some have an issue, others don't. That makes it much harder to track down. If you do have this issue, please report it in the Bug thread with (if you can) details of the soundcard or motherboard audio you use (usually Creative labs sound card or realtec Motherboard audio), the driver and also if you can remember, whether you were using teamspeak or a Microphone at the time it happened Finally whether you were online or offline. That will help.

Hey this is unfair, the tracers are invisible, what's going on. I'm getting hit but don't see any tracers!?

A question about the 'invisible' tracers that would be helpful.

If you have this happen to you please don't just say 'invisible tracers'.

Can you tell us if it was online or offline. Can you tell us why you think they are invisible. Enemy aircraft can have invisible tracers, or should I say 'tracerless' ammunition loadouts. If you have a trk file please post it so we can see what you saw? The 20mm ammunition in.the Luftwaffe really has a big impact .against the enemy aircraft, but it can be tracerless so you'll only feel/see an impact. If you have a screenshot that would help roo. Please understand, reporting 'invisible' tracers doesn't make sense, reporting 'tracers disappeared when near me' might be more understandable, but we need more detailed reporting to see if this is a bug or a clever load it on the side of the enemy you are facing.

Thanks for your understanding.

Well I like to fly the British Fighters but I seem to have lost my aiming sight. Is this a bug?

The gunsights in the British aircraft are only visible when switched on, apparently this is how they were in real life. They are a bit blinding in low light/night. Try switching them off just before you get to firing distance as they appear to take a little while to fade out which gives you a slightly easier reticule to see the target through.

I'm not sure if this happened with the TF patch or before it, but for some time now I have not been able to click the controls in game and have them do anything. I can hover the mouse over it, it will display its name and change the pointer icon, but when i click it nothing happens. I can however right click and get the small menu, and left click and select these things, drag around the map etc. Its really a pain to bind keys and remember them to simple things I only ever press once in a mission.

If its happening online, make sure that "mouse view" is not enabled. If its on, you'll be able to look around by moving the mouse without holding down the middle mouse button, but you won't be able to use the clickable cockpit.

The F10 key toggles it on and off.

Thanks for the reply, but that fix didn't work, any other suggestions?

Go to the Main Menu\Controls\Aircraft\Keys and look for the following input:

"Mouse Control" is usually assigned to "Mouse Left"

Perhaps the Mouse Control key is currently blank and you need to assign it

To fire the guns while in a turret position go to: Controls\General

This is usually defaulted to "Fire Current Weapon" = "Mouse Left"

The default "Mouse Left" are assigned in Controls\ Camera for "Hold to Offset Camera"

You need assign another key for this command or you are unable to move turret guns and fire at the same time.

I also now have this problem, but when I looked at the key bindings ... the mouse control one is blank ... but it will not let me enter anything in there ... including left click or any keys

Inside your Confuser.ini are all the key bindings you would set up normally in the control options menu. You can though manually assign keys in the confuser.ini for situations like this.

Go into your Confuser.ini and look for the line "[HotKey BOB]

The confuser.ini is located in your C:\Users\(your username here)\Documents\1C SoftClub\il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover - MOD folder

Look down that list of many controls and you should see a set of lines like this;

Joystick+Key12 Joystick+Key16=autorudder_high





If you are having an issue getting your mouse to be the 'mouse control' just copy and paste the line above (in Red) into your confuser.ini, where it is shown above.

Whenever pilot voices load and play in game I get a small micro stutter. The problem is barely noticeable but enough so to annoy me especially since I don't have this problem in any other series of games. The problem is more pronounced when a lot of voices are played like when playing a single player mission with lots of aircraft. I have fairly high spec rig so I can only suspect this is a setup problem. Can anybody here help me out?

Currently this is a known issue and one we are keen to get to the root of. The only solution that has been currently found (though not ideal) is to disable the speech folder. This will remove ALL voices from your game though, so no friendly or enemy. You'll be relying on the onscreen messages for information. It is nice though that if you get a kill, you have to wait and see the enemy crash, rather than the Ai telling you he's been killed before there is any way of you or them knowing. So, here's the workaround.

Go to your game install directory (not the one in MY Documents, but the one you installed the patches into) and then browse to the speech folder. By default it is here:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\IL-2 Sturmovik Cliffs of Dover\parts\bob\speech

Inside there is a speech folder are the German and British speech samples. When any voice is loaded it is loaded from this folder. If the game can't see that folder, it won't load and play the speech files contained in it. So to disable the Pilot speech for both sides simply click on the text under the speech folder so it his highlight and add a - sign in front of the word speech. The folder should now be named -speech. The game will now no-longer load the Pilot speech and it should get rid of those stutters caused by the game loading the pilot audio. To get the voices back, just remove the - sign from the word speech so it looks like this; speech and you will have the voices back.

If you want to be more specific, you can open the speech folder and inside are two more folders, one called 'gb' and the other 'de'. By renaming one of those folders (your choice), you can just delete the audio of the side you don't wish to hear. So naming the 'de' folder to '-de' (without the ' ' marks) will eliminate the German speech but keep the British speech only. The same principle applies to the gb folder.

I'm enjoying your patch and it's time for me to start shooting down some Enemy Aircraft. I have a problem though. I can't work out how to change the ammunition in my guns, can you help?

Of-course. Please follow this link to a tutorial on how to change the ammunition in all your guns (English and German versions available in linked thread):

I was looking through some of the videos of patch v4.00 and saw that I could have a picture on the cockpit instrument panel. That looks really cool, how can I put my own choice of image there?

No problem, check out this tutorial which will tell you how to do it:

I'd really like to know how to change the labels/icons on the aircraft so I can identify them easier, can you help me do this?

One of the forum users posted this great guide on how to do just that. Check it out here:


Team Fusion Simulations would like to say a huge thanks to ATAG_Lewis for compiling this and to everyone else in the community who contributed to the guide.

A Beginners Guide by Mysticpuma and ATAG_Lewis

Edited by Mysticpuma

Beginner's Guide for IL2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover Blitz + FAQ (2025)
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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

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Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.