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- Publication:
- The Vincennes Sun-Commerciali
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- Vincennes, Indiana
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- 22
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IS V1NCENNE 0 1 A PAGE TWENTY TWO Employment Business Service Announcements BUGS BUNNY 35 Help Male 13 Good Thingr to Eat classified advertising SALARY 36 Help Wanted emale By HAMLIN ULLEY OOP Automotive 39 Salesmen Wanted 41 Situations Wanted BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES 1910 6th St Phone 269 42 Business Opportunities BLACK TOP SOIL CAPTAIN EASY Special Instructions Phone 100 Work guaranteed ED CHANLEY Phone 1798 Column DUMP TRUCK SERVICE 49 Dogs Pets 8 by HtA Sote WK TM US Pit Oil HIGH LIT LOADER RECKLES AND HIS RIENDS ILL DIRT 50 Livestock ROCK AND GRAVEL JOE SERVICE PHONE 115 7TH AND MAIN PHONE 632 29 Wallpapering Painting 51 Poultry Rabbits MULER SERVICE Business Service 53 arm Implements morty meekle 32 Radio TV Repair 33 Welding 54 arm Miscellaneous By WILLIAMS OUT OUR WAY OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE Employment 55 Seed and eed SEEDS or Spring Seeding Alfalfas Clovers Grasses SALESMEN Lespedeza LISTEN TO THIS Seed Oats Cert Clark Garden Seed Vincennes Seed Cd Phone 2333 26 irst St for Sale By EDGAR By LESLIE i Auto House Trailers Trucks and Tractors MERILL Auto Repairing By DICK PLEASE DON'T BE UNDULY CONCERNED guvnor (But a search THE COURT ITS COEE SHOP OICE SWWJWUd POOL IS (N VAIN OR PAINTING block laying car penter work of all kinds call Paul Dutton 2253 or 4667 from 6:00 am till 9:00 pm daily AT STUD Two male Pekinese one black one white Phone 2241 Decker or contact Drug Store WE WILL CUT AND INISH your new and used rugs to your specifica tions Phone 3438 523 Barnett St Vincennes Indiana BAsem*nT Yard work and light hauling of any kind Phone 4602 PAPER HANGING and PAINTING Robert Stafford phone 4340 HMNV I NOT BACK IN HAL AW HOUR) X'D BETTER CALL EASY! 525 APRIL 17 1958 taeei i UK TM NOT TO TELL TOU WHAT SHE TOLD ME ihai Mju TOLD ncK TREE WORK ANY Top ping experienced ree estimates Cutsingers and Sons phone 4873 THATS STRANGE HES GONE! I LET HIM ASLEEP ABOUT ITEEN MINUTES AGOi HE GONE OR A WALK BIRTHDAY CAKES and cakes for all occasions Beautifully decorated Irma Cozine 215 Perry Street Phone OR SALE 2 row corn planter for ord type lift: wheat drill chicken brooder Incubator for turkey or goose eggs hog fountain and trough chicken fountain and feeder Phone 920 3 OR SALE Good mounted disc forord tractor Wayne Hooper ree landville Indiana OR SALE Good stable manure by ton or load Phone 8 2196 Hirds Illinois PAVE YOU AWAKE YET? CALLED EASY TO EXPLAIN PAVE! RESIDENTIAL WIRING Complete jobs or extra outlet Range water heater dryer installation and serv icing Licensed 18 years exper ience rank Gilmore phon 2836 OR 21 rench ried Delicious Shrimp in a basket $100 Lang Tick lock 2137 Washington Avenue ATTENTION Your feather bods mad Into beautiful mattresses Called tor and delivered Address Mattress 621 Buntin Street Vin cennes Indiana Tulley or Mr Casey company OR SALE 2 bottom plow 2 row corn planter like new 2400 Pro pect Avenue Call 750 4 before noon WASHER Automatic and wringer Maytag Appliance Co 19 2nd St Phons 2021 BAsem*nT and yard cleaning porch washing and light hauling Phono 3862 1 OR SALE 1953 Plymouth suburban good condition quick sale 3625 Phone 391 3 TREE WORK ANY Tree experts ree estimates Killion and Son Phone 4151 WX OR SALE 1956 International truck model 172 tandem drive 20 ft stock rack Low mileage A con dition See Malcolm Menke or phone 4 on 15 Westphalia Indiana OR SALE ARC welders and battery chargers new and used AU kinds of welding supplies Your orney Dealer phone 4469 or 4783 BOAT SEATS tops and covers made to order Ben Huff er Son 107 South ourteenth SEPTIC TANK Save money Call Godfrey A Crockett have chemicals to prolong septic clean ing See us first! Money back guarantee on product Phone 4667 2400 Oliphant Drive Vincennes PAPER HANGING Cleaning and painting Carpenter work Osborn Phons 1238 CUMMINS RADIO AND TV SER AU make Home and auto radios Plenty of parking Hiway 41 south Phone 560 YOUNG WOMAN desires office work Experienced fast and accurate typist Write Box 244 Monroe City Indiana WANTED Hatching eggs turkey and duck eggs Community Hatchery 914 Main Street Vincennes Indiana CLASSIIED ADVERTISING JACK WESTERN TV and Radio service Tubes tested free Phone 3612 14th and Main Street SMALL BRED PUPPIES for sale JI 00 Call 86 2 David McClary OR SALE 1940 Chevrolet tudor new tires good motor cheap 1636 Wheeler Street OR SALE our wheeled riding tractor plow cultivator and other attachments Phone 3052 4 or 2477 35 Help Wanted Male OR SALE Spotted Poland fall boars Everett Jones Carlisle Indiana INTERIOR EXTERIOR decorating painting and paper hanging ully guaranteed Paul Pruitt Phone 3339 BLACK TOP DRIVES RALPH ROGERS CO INC Basketball Courts Tennis Courts REE ESTIMATES 6th St Road Phone 165 Evening Phone Don Bainum 1721 CHIMMEYS REPAIRED REBULIT small job carpenter work by the hour Prices reasonable Phone 3372 PECIAL THIS WEEK New two bedroom trailer 34 ft J2885 Wabash Mobile Homes Carlisle Indiana Highway 41 AY RETURNED TO HER ROOMi SHE SCARCELY NOTICED A BLACK SEDAN LEAVING THE MOTEL PARKER BROS INC South 41 Ph 3446 GOLDIE MARTER Painting and Decorating Interior and Exterior Quality Material Best Application REE ESTIMATES Phons 1176 WELL NO MATTER) GOODNESS NO TM CERTAINLY NOT GOING BACK THERE TO IND OUT' 27 Business Services Business Services SAMPSON Realtor American Bank Bldg 842 GARDEN PLOWING and custom tractor work Also want corn ground to rent Phone 1626 or 3018 1949 DeSoto radio heater drives nice car' $225 1952 Plymouth new seatcovers clean car 1951 Cadillac sedan radio OR BUILDING remodeling concrete and earpenter work of all kinds phono Goorge IX Strait 4 Clintland Newton BIRD BATHS lawn and pemetery urns flower pots glazing globes flamingos also lawn decorations of all kinds Cider Corner 18th and Willow See Mr Montgomery Ward Vincennes OR SALE OR 1953 Buick Super 4 door power brakes J595 1950 Nash with overdrive J95 Will finance Phone 1247 Seventh and Willow Street OR SALE Registered Berkshires some excellent August boars Tad Wollerman three miles south of Bruceville phone 56 4 LAWNMOWERS sharpened and re paired Machine saw filing tools ground We deliver Shop phone 2862 TOP CASH OR YOUR CAR OR TRUCK OR SALE our kinds of pheasant eggs 15c each and chicks 40c each Arthur Rodgers Old Brucevill Road phone 979 4 GUARANTEED REPAIRS on Hoover and all other make sweepers and sewing machines Phone 861L Paul OpelL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY DARI SNACK DRIVE IN 50 Illinois soft ice cream machine root beer bar rell and other good equipment priced at $475000 for qdick sale DIESEL AND HEAVY EQUIPMENT if you are between the ages of 18 and 54 mechanically minded andwant to help yourself towards a better paying jon tnis couia oe opportunity been waiting You may qualify for a job In Diesel and Heavy Equipment dustry with proper training APPLIANCH SERVICE Prompt service on all makes washers dryers ranges water heaters anamall appliances Bob Snick 1207 Main phone 1314 If a pest problem call Collins Pest Control Co Devoted to pest control only We get 'em 120 Lyndal Ave Phone 1167 or 3676 YOUNG MEN ull or part time to help distribute a gift program Good earnings daily See Mr Wilson Grand Hotel room 252 4:00 pm to 8:30 pm ROYCE ALVIS AND SONS CON TRACTORS Painting and decorat ing Interior and exterior Paper hanging patch plastering floor fin ishing paper samples shown ree estimates All work guaranteed Phone 2794 the for the In or free Information without obliga tion about our training program write Tractor Training Service Box 776 Sun Commercial DELICIOUS CARMEL CORN and candy (Party mints by special order) Candy Shop 427 North Second Street WANTED Job as night watchman or factory job janitor Can give good 'references 409 3 Leo nard Baldridge 19th St RR No 5 Vincennes Indiana KIRK'S TV and radio repair Day and night calls Tubes tested free 2 North 17th phone 1753 LTER QUEEN SALES and SER VICE Also used cleaners Phone 1157 1611 LaPlante Street Virgil Talley EXPERT trained service and repairs for Hoover and other make sweep ers Just call Gimbal's 4365 for prompt service genuine parts Glm bel Bond Co Authorised Hoover Sales 4k Service Dump trucks and highlift for hire BAsem*nT and yard cleaning porch washing and Tight hauling Also lawn mowing Phone 3862 1 PLANNING A VACATION? Be an Avon Representative start earning for that trip immediately We train you or interview write: Miss 1 McNIei Box 174 Vincennes Indiana BUILDING REMODELING Concrete work any kind Patch plastering roofing roof painting Phono Stan ford Lewis 1277 SEPTIC TANKS and cesspools cleaned repaired installed Real economy with one trip service Up to 710 gallon capacity 24 hour service fully Insured William Phillips 231 West New Albany Av enue Call us collect 8203 LEADING DOWNTOWN STORE wants woman sales clerk full time Kxperience preferred Write Box 775 Sun Commercial State age and sales experience OR SALE OR TRADE 1954 Plymouth radio heater nylon tires excellent motor $o9a sedan clean sedan Si 95 heater all the extras $695 1951 Plymouth co upe new radio heater excellent condition throughout $295 1950 Buick hardtop radio heater Dynaflow whitewall tires good mo tor $295 10 for cash sale on any of these cars Will allow high trade in Tom Dye 1320 Hart Street Phone 1038 ill dirt gravel sand stabilizer crushed stone yards graded and terraced Roads and driveways built various lines Including Batteries major' appliances PLUS COMMISSION TERMITE AND GENERAL PEST DRESSED PHEASANTS $200 each ee delivery In Vincennes area rt Taylor phone Monro City 1 3291 WASHING POLISHING LUBRICATION AUTO LITE BATTERIES PAPER HANGING painting Interior and exterior decorating Kemtonlng Guarantee labor 16 Shipley 1031 9th Ph 1398 USE YOUR SPARE TIME to increase vour weekly earnings $25 $50 or more in city of Bicknell and dis trict in Vincennes No Investmentbut car needed or information see or write Mrs Tranter RR No 2 Washington or write Dept IND 672 326 ree port Illinois WOMEN for part time work during evening hours Pleasant dignified with good earnings Call Mr Wil son 4:00 pm to 8:30 pm for further information Phone 4222 PICTURE RAMES and WINDOW SHADES Custom Made By WAYNE RIDGE SONS 505 7th Phone 3030 NORTHSIDE MOTORS 2208 6th St RATESDays210 224 238 252 266 280' monthly advertising upon request Rates quoted apply for CASH PAID WHEN AD IS PLACED Add 10c for charge service Box Numbers Service 25o Extra CLASSIIED ADVERTISING Phone 78 or 79 Sun Commercial pay Security and a fine future We will train you to sell You need no ex OR SALE Garden tractors new and used 5 HP with two speeds forward and reverse repair parts equipment and serv ice See Alva Craig on alternate 50 east of Bridgeport Illinois Call any evening after 4:00 pm for sales and service perience If you are inter ested in making $10000 a week write PO Box 406 We are offering you a career in selling with good CONTROL ortner Pest Control Service OUTSIDE SALESMEN Must have selling experience Will sell Tires Soy Beans Cert Harasoy OR SALE 24 Housetrailer Ap ply in person 917 North 14th Street Vincennes Indiana OUSE TRAILER TOWING Li censed and insured Rhone 8981 or 4347 Royce Buffer giving particulars Age requirement 22 to' 35 THE ARTHER WE GET ROM THOSE 'ACHES THE BETTER I'LL LIKE IT' SWHM UEte ir COMES' CAN CTTI TUI CUT XZL i usrj rvwirT 1 I a la of awipr 4UUVNU3S wnr PRIVINa? iU Wij BS Erl SIS d' TM UA (NV I something I rvb RI 1V I HAPPENED A a dt If 1 L1H4 fl 1 Ml 1 1 Hb nil i BRUTE! SEEM5 OUR WOULD BE 1 HERO KNOCKED OUT BY BULLET lA UK STRIKING AX li 1 WHICH BOUNCED HIS SKULL 6 teehee Me TM Rec vx 9m eff J': mM mm MH Mgssa Mi A 7 wi frtr i 1 a iavx'wi i iff imh IBr nSMtBMwIl i Oi 20 Man mr mskkw Of Idllla I IT rrTK 1 KH iraa a ISaS 's a a a i i i I I Sgl Ky? gS lak i HMaSSajMaaaaM i ihinflW)9A By TLlc OvMft THEY'RE 1 I Boom AivxITTO PLAY NEXT nN PLATTER PULSE ka KSNr 'i CN fl I I llllSh B7 MH OH ns Ysopry I yocr DENTED tour friend Vender Sylvester! SI? fhwb Lr 'i Lfx i 1S NLA fcw TM US at Off dad VTOUUJ you MIND 74OT XJ TALKING OR A EY Lg WNUTES? srM ALLOA SUDDEN I JUST I OSSM dT'k HAD TO GET yjb OUT6IDE I 1M by NEA Srvin Im TJN Rag U4 Pat OR i i but I TOU DON'T jZKx I i rd I UCD TTM XT1 1 I JD WHAT 5HE TOLD ME unT mTCi i xHl 4JiKsY tK I'LL TELL MDU WHAT rC'4j I Zl Jal 1 I II BPWiil chck I II TTHTTTTTn I avauj 1 POTENT DREAM I HW say goop whYuh KNOW VJMUT A RO55 gawsh' ore if YOU fellers OiN' TODAY NAME OS (3RA6S VOU fel thrower him VIE Kina UNDER Bg HALl WINDER YUH aH DP A HONEST Buck VJE wrong think Mil HriZ THAT RABY T' LI WINDOW WE'D MAKE A ri isk HAL O' 714' DOUGH i ItTthckirE I TOE ME UP TO MOW 1 THIS V4LTOK Tft Ylih? i i lnr LAtOST AS GOOD Words 1 Day 3 Day 15 $105 $150 16 112 160 17 119 170 18 126 180 19 133 190 20 L40 200 Special Rates for yearly Announcements Card of Thanks I wish to extend my sincere thanks to the doctors 'nurses and personnel of the' Good Samaritan Hospital to the blood donors and to my many relatives and friends for the many cards letters flowers Words: can never express what all your kindness has meant to' me jCharles Boyd 1 4 lowers and Plants KNOX COUNTY GROWN EVER GREENS Magnolias and Pink Dog wood rostop Sixth and Depot Street 1 EVERGREENS AND LOWERING SHRUBS Also perennials Nichols lower Gardens Old Wheatland Road phone 890 3 CREEPING PHLOX Delphinium and Shasta Daisy plants elephant ear glad bulbs Rhubarb and Asparagus roots and cabbage tomato onion plants and sets Strawberry plants and horseraddish roots Organ Greenhouses 12th and DeWolfe phone 2751 I MAGNOLIAS PINK DOG WOOD LOWERING CRAB APPLES LILACS (Hybrids) BUTTERLY BUSH PEAT MOSS GRASS SEED VINCENNES ROSE GARDENS Ph 2300 Old Bruceville Rd 6 Special Announcements WALL WASHING has been added to our exclusive carpet rug and furniture cleaning ree estimates Phone 644 Cleaners ROOM and $550 meal ticket per week $800 28 £North Second StreeL Knox County CANCER LOAN CUPBOARD 907 Hart Street Phon 181 9 BACK IN BUSINESS Town Cab Co Phon 4709 I DAY PHOTO INISHING eervlc Th Snap Shop In th Leather Shop 405 Main SL NURSING BOMB B4ck nell IniL phone 54 has room for patient 24 hour nursing car DAIRYLAND Washington Avenue and Niblack Boulevard will open for th season Saturday March 22 Under new management A LITTLE SPACE like this 1 much mor than a little apace It'a a au perb salesman Call 78 or 79 for th Sun Commercial Classified Dept RUMMAGE SALE Sponsored by 8 et 40 1 Saturday April 19 1958 Begins 8:00 A at 118 Main Street I I 1 ST PT A SPRING ESTIVAL 9th and Main THURSDAY APRIL 1'7 1958 rom 4 :00 RICASSEE Bowl or Your Container 7 Church unctions RUMMAGE SAE NORTH METHODIST CHURCH BAsem*nT Saturday April 19 7:30 to 11:00 am 8 Lost and ound LOST glasses in green case downtown riday Call 188 collect Bicknell Indiana LOST Browit black faced male box er answers to name of Reward Phone 3790 12 Gift and Novelty Shop BARGAINS CHEV 9950 CHEV 9950 PONT 9950 PONT 8750 HENRY 13750 few I I I i I.
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- Years Available:
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